We are all in this together.

Knowing you want and need to change, but not knowing how


My name is Charlotte Uslar and I am a certified Cellular Transformation™ practitioner. I’d love to walk the path with you. This work is open to all walks of life - the only prerequisite is a spiritual connection to Source, the Universe, the Light, Greater Intelligence; or a deep longing to build this connection. I welcome wholeheartedly those who are open, hungry and willing to use loving guidance and dive into the unknown and surrender. Because you know deep down that you are ready.

Cellular Transformation™ is a feeling path

Cellular Transformation™ is a psycho-spiritual healing modality and a path of self-realisation, founded by Jennifer Millar. You can check out her work, her events (and in-depth writing about this incredible work) on her website www.jennifermillar.org

Realign with your intuitive knowing for clarity, direction and healing

Cellular Transformation™ is a training process to listen deeply to the constant “yes” or “no” signals received in the lower Dantian: something expands my center or contracts it. This work aims to “clean out our closet of World Mind” so we are able to “hear” the universal intelligence in the cells of our body in any given moment; and to act upon these signals. It is a psycho-spiritual modality with traits of systemic family therapy, Jungian psychology, Transpersonal psychology, Gestalt therapy and epigenetic studies, to name a few. It is not tied to any specific religion, yet, a strong spiritual connection to Source is at the heart of this work. That’s where the real magic comes from, that’s what makes it efficient. It is like “doing therapy with God”. The power of the Universe is the healer, the facilitator is here to prompt and guide the process.

to heal our fear-based past and awaken our highest (divine) potential by embodying Spirit in everyday life.


I am deeply connected to feeling as an ever evolving pulse of energy


I fell in love with the Cellular Transformation™ process fifteen years ago and committed my life to it on the spot. Having struggled with depression for most of my life pre-CT, and with no therapy or modality really being able to shift something for good before, this work literally blew my mind! It set me on a journey of feeling, truth, facing fear, and ultimately of transformation that I could have never imagined.
This powerful work is much more than a healing modality, it is a path toward self-realisation that I have committed body, mind and soul to. The burning desire to serve the divine aspect of existence that choreographs this healing modality has pulled me into the intimate role of ‘Cellular Transformation™ Global Manager’. This has allowed me to work closely with founder, Jennifer Millar, and our CT clients, downloading the core teachings and alchemical healing structure on a daily basis. As a passionate seeker of healing and growth, I am constantly risking and leaping out of my comfort zone to ride the edge of expansion.


Together we will deepen into all the places that Greater Intelligence guides us to

Private sessions

Feel more centered and empowered and learn the nuances of energy. Face challenges, walk through your fears and get in alignment with Greater Intelligence to unlock your greatest potential.

CT Healing Circles

A great introduction to Cellular Transformation™. This 3h circle will kickstart your healing and awakening process within the safety and power of the CT group field.

CT Workshops

An intense journey through the whole spectrum of feeling. Openness, intimacy, vulnerability and bravery spark the alchemical fire.

CT Online Theory Course

This month-long course with the support of like-minded seekers and two highly committed CT mentors, you will will dive into the two fundamental principles of the Cellular Transformation™ process.