Start your journey today

Face challenges, walk through your fears and get in alignment with Greater Intelligence to unlock your greatest potential.

Cellular Transformation™ Private Sessions are extremely powerful and life-changing. In just 90 minutes you will feel countless layers of tension, history and baggage being lifted out of you. The effects are instantaneous and the repercussions of what has been transformed will unfold for days, weeks and months afterwards.

If it is your first session, I will ask a number of questions to get a feel for who you are and what is going on inside your body and emotions. You may work on a specific issue or you may simply show up and allow Creative Intelligence to go after what it wants to touch and transform in you.

There is nothing you need to do to assist this healing process and just come as you are. Please find a quiet and private space for the duration of the session (online clients) and to keep your body open with a straight neck and spine. You may close your eyes throughout and periodically share what is coming up for you, or ask further questions as you are going through the healing process.

How you will benefit



Feel more centered and empowered when expressing your words and actions



Learn to discern the nuances of energy and the effects of following energy vs following the mind



Gain insight and get hands-on support within a few days or weeks



Get in alignment with the ever expanding universal intelligence in all aspects of your life, big and small

Let’s get started

A single session goes for approximately 90 minutes and currently costs €125.
A couples session goes for 2hrs up to 2.5 hrs and currently costs €180.
(- see FAQ )

Please find payment details in the footer navigation.

If it's your first session with me, I ask you fill out the questionnaire and to sign the agreement.

Email me at for available dates or any question you may have.

Available in English und Deutsch

Available via ZOOM and in Cologne

I offer private sessions to people from all walks of life via "ZOOM" and in-person in Cologne.

If you book in for an online session, you will receive an email with the 'link to join' via zoom at the time of your session; simply click on the link and follow the prompts a few minutes before your session begins.

If we meet in Cologne at my home and temple, you will receive an email beforehand with the exact address and further directions.


Make it your own.

Walk through your fears and out the other side with an experienced and loving guide supporting you • Learn the language of energy within your own life script

We ask that you do not consume any alcohol or drugs for at least 4 days prior to your Cellular Transformation™ event, nor to enter the space whilst intoxicated or hung-over. Doing so numbs you to the full healing benefits that are possible. It also contaminates the group energy field.