Always seeking love and expansion

I fell in love with the Cellular Transformation™ process fifteen years ago and committed my life to it on the spot. I had been somewhat melancholic if not depressed from puberty onwards, been in various forms of talk therapy over the previous twelve years, searching and trying out different healing modalities, but nothing seemed to really get to the core and shift things for good.

One day, I read about this work in a magazine and about twenty minutes later, I felt a rush of energy from my base all the way up and out through my crown followed by an opening and stillness. In that silence I heard the message: “You have arrived, no need to look elsewhere anymore, you will get all the answers and learn everything here that you’ve been searching for all along. This work will be your life.”

With my mind, I had no idea what had just happened and what this meant for the course of my life from here onwards. But the feeling in my body was so strong and clear to go study with this person, so I went. And the work made perfect sense, as it seemed to be based on the same three things that had kept me going all my growing up years…

Talking to The Creator out loud and having an intimate relationship with “It”.

Being an alone-born twin, there was always an underlying feeling of deep aloneness in me, where my hunger for love and connection was never really satiated with the people around me, no matter how big and loving a family I have. Every night, I would lay in my bed awake, unable to go to sleep. Growing up in a very religious family, “der liebe Gott - dear God” and praying to “Him” was part of life. So I just continued to talk to “God” and told “Him” all my hurts and hopes and wishes. “Dear God” became my best friend, always there, always listening, always understanding and supportive.

Using kundalini energy to reconnect my whole body.

Instinctively, for as long as I can remember, I would touch myself in those long hours of not falling asleep and feeling alone, realising that it filled me with a feeling of connection that I was lacking. In later years, with increasing headiness of my own schooling added to the energy of my highly intellectual family, I noticed more consciously that masturbating was a great (and much needed) antidote to the never stopping hamster wheel of thoughts in my head and it continued to be my “sleeping pill”.

Following the energy to what excites and expands me.

During the day, venturing out into nature or getting lost in drawing and painting was where I felt most happy and whole and I would spend hours upon hours doing just that. In later years, I would feel a similar passion for dancing, always excited to turn up the music and merge with others in our synchronised movements.

I have always had an intense lucid dream life, and sometimes having “visions” of spaces and situations or “knowing” things ahead of linear time was my normality. But since nobody seemed to experience anything similar and my perception got brushed off quickly, I just took it as a private quirk of my reality. Another one of “Charlotte’s quirks” was that I would hear what people I was close to were about to say and responded accordingly. I would get a strange, bemused look; “I haven’t mentioned that, yet!??”. - “But I heard you??!”…


Fast forward, sitting in the workshop with my new-found teacher felt like coming home and I couldn’t get enough! Finally, the dots of existence were connecting and I went:

“AHA, the body is a tuning fork for what’s going on in the environment including thoughts and feelings of others, and if you’re tuned into the energy being somewhat psychic is normal (oh phew, I’m not a total weirdo). … And wow, I chose this life exactly as it is to learn certain aspects of the human condition.”

From that day on, I made it my #1 job to take myself through the purification process and to learn this work.

All my pain and suffering is self-created (ouch) BUT can be reversed if I do what I’ve always felt the most connection and peace with (as in start following the energy in every aspect of life) - hell yeah, I’m in!

And what a gift my parents gave me with instilling that connection to Source in it’s various forms in me and to always support me in following my flow in those arenas!

I was born in Neuss, Germany, attended catholic schools throughout, became an architect, made sure I took every opportunity to travel far and wide around the globe and immerse myself in other cultures, lived in the US and Central America, had a baby… Now I’m a single mother and settled back in Germany, practicing every day the art of getting out of the way so the energy can raise my daughter.

One of my passions is to expand businesses in alignment with universal intelligence, working with numerous clients the world over. Today I incorporate my academic training to follow my calling; “how can I serve and expand the light?”

I have been practicing Tai Qi, Qigong and the Five Tibetans (with a little yoga on the side) for over 27 years and love what these modalities continue to teach me about energy in the body. As a passionate seeker of healing and growth, I am constantly risking and leaping out of my comfort zone to ride the edge of expansion. My exploration of kundalini awakening through conscious sexuality and tantra has opened my body and channel to bring through light for self and others.

A more aligned world where we are all reconnected to our emotional and intuitive intelligence. A feeling-based, trust-filled world where all fear and trauma is transformed into love.


Pretty much all topics that clients present with in our CT work stem from some sort of trauma where their power was taken away; and learned behavior patterns and coping mechanisms on top of the original trauma. Where we stopped trusting our intuition and learned to live and control our reality from the mind.

Yet, the greater intelligence of Existence with all its guidance available to us is energy and comes most strongly through the center. The CT path of Healing and Awakening is about reconnecting with our intuition and dropping from the mind to the Hara.

I dream of a world where EVERY HUMAN BEING speaks the language of energy so we’re more tuned in with the rest of creation as well as one another again, because we can feel in our own bodies that we are all ONE.

When we are more in tune with our intuition we will in essence always seek love and expansion.

Raising a mixed-race daughter as a single mother, I am acutely aware of her lesser chances based on a) her gender and b) her skin tone. While I am empowering her left and right to back herself up and call bullshit what’s bullshit, the necessity to do this proves all too often my hypothesis of how utterly disconnected we humans are from the truth; that we would rather judge form and color than cheer on someone’s light and spirit.

Facilitating Cellular Transformation™ and teaching the language of energy is me doing my humble part to change the way… That my daughter (and every child for that matter) will hopefully have all the opportunities her bright spirit deserves when people get less stuck in disconnected external judgement of the mind and are more in tune with their intuition - which in essence seeks love and expansion.

As a CT facilitator, I am a tuning fork that intuitively reads and feels what is going on in another person or field and knows how to get out of the way for The Light to come in and do its magic


What makes me ‘me’

Whether I am facilitating CT, raising my daughter, paying for my groceries at the supermarket or spending time with my family, I do so with a couple of essential qualities that keep being reflected back to me by friends and clients alike.



The only thing I know is that I don’t know and that I will be learning and working on myself for as long as I live. I bow down to the Greater Intelligence that has a Divine plan for each and every one of us



I face and treat every day life with all its moments, interactions, feelings and experiences with care, love and compassion



In everything I do and everywhere I go, I actively participate and support to create connection and expansion in the field 



I am in love with life force and cultivate it through my body in various ways - moving, painting, loving, tasting, connecting, facing fear, tackling blindspots… it’s all energy!



I communicate and share in a way that is unique to me, often with lots of facial expression and a dose of humour



I have an insatiable hunger to look beyond what I can already see and comprehend; to dive into the depth of the human psyche and all of existence; and to keep learning and growing

My previous adventures

  • Global Manager of Cellular Transformation™ with founder, Jennifer Millar

  • Studio manager of transformative international artist, Jana Benitez, USA / Phillipines

  • Team leader at and personal assistant of founder, Dr. Thomas Rolley

  • Drawing Assistant of world renowned artist, Julie Mehretu, Berlin / NYC / Venice

  • Translator of a classic architectural book

  • Editor of an award winning book and two summa cum laude theses by Urban Sociologist, Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt