How to get out of the way
of Cellular Transformation™
We are here to learn how to get out of the way and let the intelligence of the Universe do the healing while receiving guidance every step of the way. Cellular Transformation™ works with the following key ingredients:
This process reconnects us with our innermost authentic self. It unearths our potential by peeling off the many layers of karmic and accumulated imprints that our soul has taken on to learn from and to transform in this lifetime. Every feeling is valid. There are no right or wrong feelings, they are just symptoms and signs of what we are moving through. The more we share what we really think and feel, the quicker we can move through the layers that cover our inner gold.
Vulnerability - as scary as it may feel - is our real power. We want to get to where it feels reeeeeally vulnerable so we can live our most authentic self, always backing up our truth. Our vulnerable edge shows up in the whole spectrum of emotions, including passion and fiery anger, and not just in the so-called “weak” emotions like fear, sadness or grief. Wherever vulnerability is for you in this moment, let’s unpack it as a key to healing and awakening.
Beginner’s Mind
This process is unique. Some of the CT structure may sound very different and almost counterintuitive to what we have experienced elsewhere. No matter how long we’ve been on the path, the attitude of “I know nothing” - openness, eagerness and lack of preconceptions, just like a beginner - will align us with the energy most quickly.
Speaking Truth
Cellular Transformation™ practices a martial arts type of freeing up energy. We often refer to speaking our truth as “Verbal Aikido”, directing the energy back to where it came from, or as the “Samurai Sword of Love and Truth”, cutting right through the conditioning of control and properness that usually inhibits us to be really honest and back up our truth.
We all have blindspots. Our willingness to look and let others mirror what we can’t see is a key ingredient to open the space for Spirit to transform age-old patterns.
If we are doing a good job, blindspots will inevitably surface and the ego might feel very pushed at times. In moments where you feel as if you’re under attack, trust that I am here to back up your true essence and that this can never be dismantled… only revealed.
What is being addressed are the guards of protection that were installed by old trauma. We want to get past those guards so we can hold the original wounds up to the light and let Greater Intelligence transform the whole structure into love.
Whether you call it the Universe, God, the Divine, Great Spirit, the Creator… believing that there is a “greater intelligence of some sort” behind the evolutionary process is the foundation of this work.

The energy supports love and truth.
Within one session Charlotte quickly channeled me into the very core of some of my hidden issues. I experienced new layers through the help of her heartfelt insights. Love is always present within her intuitive and firm approach, this lead me to crack layers, to touch vulnerability and to feel my heart again and again…
— Abhinav, Greece