When you are hungry to go deeper
For a deeper and more intimate connection to yourself and all of existence
You have been struggling for a long time with various symptoms and issues, physically, mentally and/or emotionally, and you are tired of trying all kinds of methods, modalities or therapy that provide only temporary relief. Or you have been experiencing a lack of depth, meaning and connection in your life no matter what you do, how much you achieve, or how many places in the world you see. Either way, you long for and are hungry for something else. - Deeper, faster, more aligned, more effective, more empowered!
Cellular Transformation™ is for you if you know you need and are ready to change. You have a certain level of sensitivity, openness, hunger and willingness for something deeper and more vulnerable. You are not looking for a quick fix, but for long lasting transformation.
You are in the right place! This work is the the start of a lifelong personal love affair and journey with the Divine, which is ultimately the intimate connection to your own intuition. CT won’t prevent you from suffering ever again, but it will teach you how to be with and move through rough patches more quickly and in the most aligned way. This work provides you with a solid toolbox and a lifestyle to live life fully and to navigate life’s challenges in the most connected, graceful and empowered way.

more self-trust, more connection, more freedom, more aliveness and more authentic power.
This work is mind blowing!
In order to build a deeper and more intimate relationship to Greater Intelligence, your intuition, to yourself, everything that is in the way of that connection needs to be looked at, felt, and transformed by the Light. You can expect profound, surprisingly quick, and magical results if you are willing to face fear, vulnerability, and trust the intuitive guidance. I can attest from personal experience that Cellular Transformation™ is a potent modality in the following areas:
Relieve physical ailments, i.e. chronic aches and pains in the shoulders and back • headaches • circulatory issues • digestive issues • ears, nose & throat issues • sexual issues
Feeling stuck • indecisiveness • loneliness • anger • fatigue, melancholy and depression • grief & loss • childhood trauma • sexual trauma • generational trauma • cultural trauma
Reconnect with your essence • come to terms with your neurodiverse reality • align your reality with your passion • gain clarity on the general direction of your life as well as on specific decisions
Family dynamics • sexual relating • conscious parenting • patterns in your ancestral line • dealing with narcissism • dealing with alcoholism • dealing with neurodiversity
Next steps into more expansion at your current job • team dynamics • realign your business • make a career shift • co-creation
Cultivate an intimate relationship with The Divine • develop trust in the guidance from Greater Intelligence • hone your intuitive powers

Start a potent relationship with your intuition now.
I wanted to say thank you again for the beautiful session we had. I feel more things have shifted inside, and are reflected on the outside! This is incredibly amazing, thank you with all my heart.
— Ambika, Norway