Agreement of Personal Responsibility & Confidentiality
Personal Responsibility
I am aware that Charlotte Uslar is a Spiritual Educator who teaches the art of meditation, conscious prayer, conflict resolution, and spiritual growth, and is not a licensed psychotherapist or psychologist, nor does she claim to be so.
I am aware that my personal and professional life may change or shift as a result of my consultations and online contact with Charlotte Uslar.
I have evaluated my physical and emotional readiness and suitability for Cellular Transformation work. Where necessary, I have had the opportunity to consult with a medical doctor, licensed psychologist, or psychotherapist before working with Charlotte Uslar. I take full responsibility for my emotional, physical, and mental well-being during CT events and private sessions. I, thereby, assume full ownership of my experience.
Online Sessions
Cellular Transformation online sessions are typically recorded. I may choose to receive the recording to review the healing work in my own timing. I agree to keep the strictest confidentiality about any personal information shared during my session and not to share this recording or its content with anyone who wasn’t present during the session. The CT Team may use the recording to gather impersonal information as research for upcoming books/publications. However, this material will never be used for any other means unless I give full permission to do so in writing.
If Charlotte Uslar decides at any point that she is not the appropriate teacher to work with me and therefore asks me to leave the Cellular Transformation event, at my request she will refund my payment minus the portion for the hours or days I attended the event. In other words, I will be refunded for the time I did not attend.
If I choose to leave the event prior to its conclusion, I agree to forfeit my tuition fees.
Online Theory Courses
Cellular Transformation Online Theory Courses may be recorded. If so, I will receive the recordings within 24 hours after each course meeting to review the educational material in my own timing. I agree to keep the strictest confidentiality about any personal information shared during these meetings and not to share the recordings or its content with anyone who wasn’t present during the meeting. The CT Team may use the recordings for teacher training purposes and to gather impersonal information as research for upcoming books/publications. However, this material will never be used for any other means unless I give full permission to do so in writing.
I am aware that my personal information may be confidentially shared with the following members of the CT Facilitator Team: Jennifer Millar, Charlotte Uslar, Kanika Frings, and Sidhamo Flyr, as I may work with these facilitators in other CT events such as workshops, healing circles, post-workshop integration circles, online courses, and private sessions. Additionally, if I participate in a CT Yoga event or CT Bodywork, my personal information may be confidentially shared with Vira Drotbohm and Jesse Foster.
The CT Facilitator Team adheres to strict confidentiality and commits to treating my personal information and healing process with the utmost respect and care. The reason my therapeutic process and relevant personal information may be shared with the CT Facilitators is twofold:
1) To support my continued growth and healing within the CT modality—The CT Team aims to provide the most aligned, informed, and effective care possible.
2) For facilitator accountability and supervision—The CT Team offers ongoing feedback, guidance, and reflection to one another to ensure their integrity as facilitators. They aim to continuously develop and refine their skills as CT Facilitators while remaining fully and humbly committed to their ongoing growth as fellow seekers.
The purpose of said accountability is to provide a responsibly held and safe container for every individual within the CT field.
I agree to keep the strictest confidentiality about any personal or group process information shared by Cellular Transformation participants or facilitators within the CT healing and teaching process. I agree not to share those details with anybody who wasn't present during the CT event, not today, nor at any point in the future.
I agree not to record, by audio or video, any Cellular Transformation event. THIS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Only the CT Team may record, by audio or video, any Cellular Transformation event for the sole purpose of gathering impersonal information as research for upcoming books/publications. This material will not be used for any other means unless I give full permission to do so in writing.
I give permission for myself or other Cellular Transformation participants or facilitators to take photos, where appropriate, that may be used on various social media platforms to positively promote the CT healing and training process to others through various marketing means. I agree not to use any photos taken at CT events to slander or defame the CT participants or facilitators in any way.