Cellular Transformation™

This work is riding the edge of evolution.

All aspects of creation have a built-in connection to Source, hard-wired into the fabrics of matter, of the body. For us humans, the most potent and empowered receiver of Greater Intelligence is located in the lower belly, the Hara, or the lower Dantian. This is where we connect with our gut instinct, our intuitive knowing, the “DIVINE FEMININE” moving through us.

Cellular Transformation™ is a training process to listen deeply to the constant “yes” or “no” signals received in the lower Dantian: something expands my center or contracts it. This work aims to “clean out our closet of World Mind” so we are able to “hear” the universal intelligence in the cells of our body in any given moment; and to act upon these signals - which is the “DIVINE MALE” moving through us.

Evolution works on expansion, striving to grow and expand ALL of creation simultaneously. Everything either supports or hinders the evolutionary process. So if we tap into the intelligence of the Universe (that wants to expand ALL THAT EXISTS) we are at the pulse of evolving for the highest good of ALL.

You don’t need to follow lots of rules and rituals
in order to get to the gold.

Cellular Transformation™ is a psycho-spiritual process.

Cellular Transformation™ is a psycho-spiritual modality with traits of systemic family therapy, Jungian psychology, Transpersonal psychology, Gestalt therapy and epigenetic studies, to name a few. The source of a lot of trauma can be found when looking at the patterns of our family background and cultural / religious inheritance. Wherever we start with unraveling this “cloak of world mind” that our souls chose to take on in this lifetime, every thread we pull and clean up will have an effect on the entire fabric.

Cellular Transformation™ is not tied to any specific religion, yet, a strong spiritual connection to Source is at the heart of this work. That’s where the real magic comes from, that’s what makes it efficient. It is like “doing therapy with God”. The power of the Universe is the healer, the facilitator is here to prompt and guide the process.

Cellular Transformation™ is an alchemical process.

By looking at our stuff in observer consciousness whilst asking Greater Intelligence to clear out anything that’s not love, the molecular structure of these age old patterns gets dispersed and rearranged to support expansion. It literally creates electricity in the cells and rewires our whole system. Replacing what’s being released with light anchors a new structure in the cells that is aligned with the ever expanding Universe and will keep us on track.

Layer after layer, we feel the karma and hold our fear-based patterns up to the Light and let the Universe dissolve them and turn them into love. This is what we call the CO-CREATIVE HEALING PROCESS, “the transformational process of divine alchemy”; turning led into gold. We will feel the led of world mind for as long as we are in the body on this planet, so we might as well also taste the gold of expanded love in all aspects of reality by working the alchemical process.

Become the alchemist.

Cellular Transformation™ is a kundalini awakening process.

There is only one thing to learn and to follow: The Language of Energy - Spirit talking to us through the simple signals of expansion or contraction in our center; our passion pulling us in one direction or another.

At the source of all creation, there is passion. And looking at the manyfold ways of the plant or animal realms to replicate and procreate, we humans are part of creation and mark no exception to this basic principle.

By making use of the energy rising up from the first and second chakra, we are opening up our whole channel and satiating the cells with silky liquid gold that has the power to clear out contracted debris of cellular memory. This creative, passionate energy is an essential part of us, it is in our bodies whether we share it with a partner or not. It doesn’t belong to God, the church or our lovers, it is ours. Without it, we wouldn’t be here to begin with.

By following our passion - the energy where it expands us - we align with Greater Intelligence, the creative power of the evolutionary process to realize our greatest potential.

Let the energy guide you into expansion.

Charlotte, that was a wonderful session and I thank you again from the bottom of my heart. You do wonderful work. Absolutely amazing. There is always so much space with you. Space for everything……….

Thank you and lots of love

— Trisha, Germany