Love letter to CT

…that this work is open to all walks of life at any point in time.

As long as you’re open to it’s basic prinicples, you can do it! You don’t have to be from a certain background or of a specific age group, your body type doesn’t matter, your cultural background doesn’t matter either, we just bring all the “stuff” back to Spirit and let the Universe do it’s magic.

…that there is no religiously ritualized plan for when and how we’re going to do what.

I LOVE that we are always dealing with what’s here in the moment. I LOVE the authenticity of this work. There are no right or wrong feelings. We can be totally real and honest and don’t have to push hard or perform. Everything is fodder for Spirit and we can use anything present to transform and shed layers of inherited or accumulated karma and get back to Spirit.

…that this process is like studying history and anthropology through energy goggles, while also gaining clarity on energetic patterns of different cultures.

I LOVE that it’s offering a whole new perspective on the energetic cost of disconnected power plays on every scale. And I LOVE that this work offers a way to come back to center at any given moment and start listening to the deeper nuances of the Tao again!

..that the founder and my mentor, Jennifer Millar, is as human as you and I and doesn’t claim a throne.

I love that there is no hierarchy (unless you project it onto someone). I love that Spirit, the Light, life force energy, Creative Power of the Universe is the boss and we’re all here to listen to what it wants for us and communicates through feeling in our bodies.

…that the energy is so unbelievably intelligent and loving and adventurous; and I love that if I follow it, magic happens every time

I LOVE that doing Cellular Transformation™ and following the energy is like being in “Jedi training for love and truth” and developing super powers.

…the language of energy and how brilliantly it never fails to expand us and to bring us gifts.

The language of energy is fucking AMAZING!!! It’s so brilliant, it knows past, present and future, and it takes me on one adventure after the other. It keeps me safe, it brings me gifts, fun and new friends. I dream of a world where EVERY HUMAN BEING speaks the language of energy so we’re more tuned in with the rest of creation as well as one another again, because we can feel in our own bodies that we are all ONE.

…that we have so much fun doing this work!

There is no right or wrong, there aren’t a whole lot of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, we don’t have to perform and dress a certain way - and the Light works as much on the facilitator as the participants. I LOVE that we’re all equally participating with Spirit!

..that there is no limit to how much we can expand - because we’re tapping into the creative force behind the evolutionary process, expanding eternally

I love this work because it has taught me that no-thing and no-one is between me and the Creator. As this energy is flowing through my body, we are one.

…that I really do feel shifts happening in the molecular structure of my body.

I LOVE that issues and ailments that I’ve had for as long as I can remember are really gone after a while of doing Cellular Transformation™. And that they are permanently gone leaving behind only a faint memory of the previous state. I LOVE that I am gaining clear insight as to what created those issues and ailments in the first place (learned behavior in my lifetime and inherited patterns alike), so should they show up again I can tackle them and have those deeper layers transformed pretty quickly.

…that participants are all trained to have an intimate relationship with Spirit,

the power of the Universe, so they are not bound in co-dependency to a teacher/guru forever but will be able to do this work themselves in time. - Only depending on how much they commit to Spirit and to following the language of energy in every moment.

Align your reality with what you really love.

Charlotte is so present, brilliant and aware and there is a softness in the way she works that has allowed me to feel so much safety and vulnerability. Working with her really brings the focus back to love.

— Be, Canada